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Real Pharmacist Stories

When it comes to pursuing a career in pharmacy, there are several areas of practice to choose from.

The following pharmacist profiles showcase real world pharmacists, their unique career pathways, and their advice for pharmacy students like you! Click a pharmacist’s name to read their story.

Bryan Schuessler Ambulatory Care Pharmacist

I was attracted to pharmacy because I enjoyed the business and patient interaction standpoint.”

Joel Marrs Ambulatory Care Pharmacist

I knew that this career would allow me to practice clinically as a pharmacist, while also working as an educator…

Michael Gillette Cardiology Pharmacist

“I wanted a career that was not very invasive, but that was also specialized and valuable. Cardiology fit that bill!”

Nancy Rodriguez Geriatric Pharmacist

Pharmacy is a career where you become a patient advocate; especially when it comes to patients that are older adults.

Debby Cowan Hospital Pharmacist

“Even in my very first classes, I knew I loved pharmacy! I found learning about how the body worked and how the drugs interacted with the body to be very interesting.”

Patricia Kienle Hospital Pharmacist

The hometown community pharmacist seemed to be well-thought of by everyone in town. A job that was well-respected was attractive to me.

Kyana Steward Infectious Disease Pharmacist

“I see clinical pharmacy practice as a way to forge a connection between benchtop research and application to patients…to see research directly translate into improved patient outcomes was my primary attraction.

Melody Berg Infectious Disease Pharmacist

“I liked pharmacy…because I saw that this field would provide me with the opportunity to focus on the treatment aspect of patient care while also affording me flexibility to develop other passions and interests.”

Karen McConnell Management Pharmacist

“…pharmacists have such a wide variety of jobs they can do, from clinical, to operations, to management, to drug information, to regulatory, to consulting, and beyond. Customizing a career path is a huge positive for any profession.”

Erin Hickey Oncology Pharmacist

I was most attracted to a career in pharmacy because I loved the idea of being able to understand something so fascinating and complex—medications. And, I wanted to use this understanding to help people.

Amy Holmes Pediatric Pharmacist

How medications work has always been very fascinating to me. It’s powerful to think about how taking a tiny tablet by mouth can help to fix a problem in some other part of the body.

Dimitrios Savva Pediatric Pharmacist

“Pharmacy was very attractive to me because I knew it would be possible for me to positive impact a hospital community and the greater local community.”

Peter Johnson Pediatric Pharmacist

“I was always interested in how the medications that my family took worked and how they contributed to side effects. I was particularly interested in a healthcare profession like pharmacy that would be able to help prevent against significant pain in children.

Cyrine Haidar Pharmacogenomics Pharmacist

“I was very much unaware of the option to practice clinical pharmacy as a career. I discovered clinical pharmacy when I started my rotations, and I quickly decided that this was the path I wanted to follow.

Cherry Jackson Psychiatric Pharmacist

“A career in pharmacy was attractive for me because I knew it would give me the opportunity to provide patient care, but it wouldn’t require that I attend medical or nursing school.”

Teresa Elsobky Psychiatric Pharmacist

The thing I found most attractive about a career in pharmacy is how accessible pharmacists are to their patients when compared to other healthcare professions.

Elizabeth Cohen Transplant Pharmacist

Pharmacists are also one of the most accessible professionals within the industry and are uniquely positioned to help increase our patients understanding of their disease states and medications.

Jorie Kreitman Community Pharmacist

Every day, I get to watch my patients learn about their new medications and ask insightful questions to create a meaningful conversation with them.

Taylor Howell Community Pharmacist

“It [pharmacy] goes beyond dispensing drugs; it’s about providing tangible solutions that significantly improve their quality of life.

Dr. Mohanad Znbaqa Ambulatory Pharmacist Specialist

It is exciting and rewarding for the patient and I to accomplish these goals together through our journey of care.