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Pharmacy school admissions

There are a lot of misconceptions about careers in pharmacy. We’re on a mission to change that! So, we’re debunking 
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We’ve heard it from several students who applied to pharmacy school: The interview is critical. “I read about a lot 
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“What are the best pharmacy schools? How are they ranked?” While we’re asked these questions a lot, there is no 
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You’ve taken some tours and reflected on what’s important to you in a pharmacy school, but what are the admissions 
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A question we hear a lot is, “How long does it take to become a pharmacist?” To practice pharmacy in the 
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Want to attend pharmacy school? You’ll likely need to take the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT). The PCAT is constructed 
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You’ve done some soul searching and discovered that a career in pharmacy is right for you. So, what’s next? We’ve 
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Internships are an important experience for aspiring pharmacists. Not only does a pharmacy internship make you aware of available opportunities 
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You’ve done some soul searching. You’ve weighed all your options. And now, you’re convinced that you’d like to explore a 
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When applying to pharmacy schools, student Mara Rubin relied on pharmacy school interviews. After going to the University of Michigan 
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